Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013

Characteristics and How to Recognize Breast Cancer Men

index CiriCara: Ciri dan Cara Mengenali Kanker Payudara Pria

Breast cancer affects women is common but that does not mean he will not be affected by this malignant disease. Men can also be affected by this disease seems highly unlikely though. Increased risk of breast cancer increases with age. This situation is similar to the risk of breast cancer in women. A number of factors affect the emergence of male breast cancer include a family history of breast cancer, Klinefelter syndrome, BRCA gene mutation, testicular disorders, and excess estrogen. Another thing that can trigger breast cancer are excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, lazy activity and overweight. Men have breast tissue are small and can not produce milk. The network is located just behind the nipple. When cancer attacks the cells of breast tissue growth undue and uncontrolled. The symptoms in men usually do not feel when the size of the cancer is still small. The most common sign is the appearance of pain just below the nipple. These symptoms may be the only symptom experienced by patients although male breast cancer is sometimes accompanied by other symptoms such as skin changes at the nipple area as scaly, wrinkled, reddish or nipple changes color to opaque or bloody. This disease knows no age. All men can develop this cancer and the identification necessary to diagnose cancer cells obtained by biopsy. This cancer can be diagnosed by: - ​​Breast self-examination - ultrasound breast - nipple Examination - Mammogram After breast cancer detection, another thing to do is to take medication. In general, these cancers will be treated with surgery, but of course it depends on the general condition of the patient. How is radiation in addition to surgery. Radiation is typically used to reduce the size of the cancer prior to surgery was held. Another method that can be used is with regular therapy. This therapy uses anticancer drugs inserted into a vein or mouth. Therapy is used to kill cancer cells that remain in the breast, the armpit, and chest wall.

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