1.Iries dengan harga US$105,1 juta (sekitar 903,86 milyar dengan kurs 8600)
is a masterpiece paintings made by the artist from the Netherlands named Vincent Van Gogh in 1889. At first the art of painting was sold at U.S. $ 53.9 million (about 463.54 billion billion at 8600 exchange rate) to a merchant named Alan Bond. Painting "Iries" was painted by Vincent Van Gogh when he settled in Saint Remy de Provence, France a year before his death. This painting is the most expensive paintings in the world to-10.
2.Dora Maar au Chat dengan harga US$106,1 juta (912,46 milyar dengan kurs 8600)
is a painting made by the famous Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso in 1941. At first the art of painting was sold at a price of U.S. $ 95.2 million (818.72 billion with an exchange rate of 8600). This painting illustrates Dora Maar, a woman loved by pablo picasso.Lukisan is the most expensive paintings in the world to-9.
3.Portrait of Joseph Roulin dengan harga US$107 juta (920,2 milyar dengan kurs 8600)
is an artwork created by Vincent Van Gogh in 1889. At first the art of painting was sold at U.S. $ 58 million (498.8 billion at 8600 exchange rate). Now art paintings kept at the Museum of Modern Art in Neywork.Lukisan this is the most expensive paintings in the world to-8.
4.Nude, Green Leaves and Bust dengan harga US$110,2 juta (947,72 milyar dengan kurs 8600)
is an artwork created by Pablo Picasso in 1932. At first the art of painting was sold at U.S. $ 106.5 million (915.9 billion at 8600 exchange rate). This painting depicts a lady of French origin named Marie-Therese Walter. Now the painting has a private collection of a collector named Frances Brody.Lukisan Sidney Australia is the most expensive paintings in the world to-7.
5.Garcon a la pipe dengan harga US$ 124,3 juta (1,069 Trilyun dengan kurs 8600)
is an artwork created by Pablo Picasso in 1905. At first the art of painting was sold at U.S. $ 104.2 million. This painting is drawn picasso at the age of 24 years in the area of Le Bateau-Lavoir in Montmartre. This painting depicts a boy paris.Lukisan is the most expensive paintings in the world to-6.
6.Bal du moulin de la Galette dengan harga US$136,3 juta (1,1722 trilyun dengan kurs Rp8600)
is a work of art created by artists from the French name Pierre-Auguste Renoir in art 1876.Lukisan was originally sold at U.S. $ 78.1 million. Painting art also has another name, namely Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette.Lukisan paris describe habits of citizens in the 19th century who would have spent dancing, drinking, and eating special food french hari.Lukisan named Gallete in the afternoon is the work most expensive painting in the world to-5.
7.Portrait of Dr. Gachet dengan harga US$ 144,1 juta (1,239 trilyun dengan kurs Rp8600)
is an artwork created by renowned artist Vincent Van Gogh in 1890. Painting art was initially valued at $ 82.5 million. This painting illustrates Dr. Paul Gachet who has become his personal physician in charge of the last remnants of Vincent Van Gogh.Lukisan this is the most expensive paintings in the world to-4.
8.Potrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I dengan harga US$150,2 juta (1,291 trilyun dengan kurs Rp8600)
is a work of art created by artists from Austria Gustav Klimt in 1907. Art painting was sold at the initial price of U.S. $ 135 million to a gallery owner named Ronald Lauder for a display at the Neue Galerie in Newyork city. The unique of this painting that beautiful painting is not only made of ink painting, but also a mix of gold and perak.Lukisan is the most expensive paintings in the world to-3.
9.Woman III dengan harga US$154 juta (1,324 trilyun dengan kurs Rp8600)
is a work of art created by artists born abstract style named Willem de Kooning in 1953. At first the art of painting was sold at U.S. $ 137.5 million. Woman III itself is one of six paintings made by him in the years between 1951 - 1953.Lukisan is the second most expensive painting in the world.
10.No. 5, 1948 dengan harga US$156,8 juta (1,348 milyar dengan kurs Rp8600)
is a work of art created by artists from the American Jackson Pollock in 1948. Painting art was initially worth U.S. $ 140 million. This painting is an abstract painting of various colors which are generally dominated by yellow and brown. This painting is the most expensive paintings in the world ranked first.